Ahad, 19 Februari 2017

Heart and brain

Penerbit: Andrews McMeel, 2015
Penulis/ Pelukis: Nick Seluk

Komik strip ini merupakan koleksi paradoks yang dilalui oleh manusia setiap hari. Manusia mempunyai akan yang berfikir secara rasional. Manusia juga mempunyai hati yang melahirkan perasaan dan bersikap emosional.

Komik ini menggambarkan percanggahan yang sering berlaku dalam kehidupan harian kita apabila akal rasional bertembung dengan perasaan emosional. Dipersembahkan dalam lukisan yang kemas, dengan dialog yang melucukan, ia adalah resepi istimewa yang mampu membuat anda tersenyum ketika penat mengharungi kehidupan harian.

We all need a cup of humor everyday!

Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Dear Leader oleh Jang Jin-Sung

Penerbit: Rider, 2014

Sehari selepas saya tamat membaca buku ini, Kim Jong Nam telah dibunuh oleh pembunuh upahan Korea Utara di Malaysia. Ia merupakan peristiwa yang mengabsahkan kekejaman parti buruh komunis dalam usaha mempertahankan kuasa mereka.

Buku ini merupakan sorotan pengalaman seorang penyair yang berkhidmat untuk Kim Jong-Il. Beliau mendapat anugerah khas dari Kim Jong-Il atas puisinya yang patriotik pada usia yang muda. Beliau kemudian berkhidmat di jabatan kerajaan yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyebarkan propaganda ke luar negara juga dalam negara.

Beliau mendapat kebenaran khas untuk membaca bahan-bahan terlarang termasuk bahan penerbitan Korea Selatan. Dari pengalaman beliau melihat keadaan ekonomi dalaman Korea Utara dan dibandingkan dengan kemajuan ekonomi Korea Selatan, Jang tidak dapat lagi menafikan pemikiran beliau bahawa polisi ekonomi sosialis dan ideologi komunis telah gagal di Korea Utara. Beliau berkongsi bahan bacaan terlarang dengan rakan beliau Young-min, namun akhirnya diketahui oleh pihak berkuasa.

Akibatnya mereka berdua terpaksa melarikan diri dengan menyeberangi sungai Tumen dan berlindung di Yanbian, China. Namun di China mereka masih diburu atas tuduhan bunuh, mereka di kejar oleh pihak berkuasa China dan juga Agen korea Utara. Mereka terpaksa bersenbunyi di kaki-kaki bukit.

Di China, etnik Korea diiktiraf sebagai etnik minoriti. Mereka inilah yang banyak membantu saudara mereka yang melarikan diri dari Korea Utara. Kebanyakan rakyat Korea Utara melarikan diri kerana keadaan ekonomi yang buruk, kelaparan, juga undang-undang yang kejam. Keadaan ekonomi yang mundur ini hingga ke tahap seorang ibu terpaksa menjual anaknya dengan harga 100 Won. Jang kemudian ke Shenyang , sebelum akhirnya berjaya sampai ke konsul Korea Selatan di Beijing dan mendapat perlindungan. Jang kemudian dipindahkan ke Seoul.

Selain kisah pelarian mereka, buku ini mendedahkan pelbagai polisi dalaman Korea Utara yang didedahkan oleh Jang selaku pegawai atasan dalam Parti Buruh Komunis. Antara polisi ini adalah strategi penculikan warga Jepun  bagi dijadikan agen Korea Utara, bagaimana ‘Sunshine Policy’ oleh Korea Selatan dimanipulasikan Korea Utara, bagaimana parti memanipulasikan sejarah, juga didedahkan kemewahan dinasti Kim.

Buku ini juga berjaya menyampaikan nilai kemanusiaan. Sepanjang pelarian mereka di China dan diburu oleh Agen Korea Utara, banyak pihak telah membantu mereka. Ada yang baik hati memberikan mereka makanan percuma, tempat tinggal, juga memberikan mereka wang untuk membeli tiket bas. Ia merupakan pengajaran bahawa kita perlu melihat seseorang itu lebih dari sekadar ideologi, agama, bangsa, tetapi sebagai seorang manusia yang mempunyai hak untuk hidup dalam keadaan aman dan bebas.

Ahad, 5 Februari 2017

Your book is as important as your pillow when you want to sleep

Sometimes I do encounter with some question which a little more sound like this "Hey, how come you can read so may books, what is your secret?"

I love joking, so most of the time I will pick one joke out of my pocket to entertain the questioner, but in the end I did not answer the question. So, this piece of writing should be my attempt to answer the question, while trying my best to keep my bad lame joke inside my pocket.

First of all I want to disappoint all of you who read this piece of mine, that there is no secret. Every each of us learn how to read as early as our life begins. Almost all adult in our country can read. If you can read, than that is enough, you already have the key to read books, lot of books. The only thing that is lacking, is your will. So the hardest part is to pick one book and start reading. Which sound like a simple physical act, but strangely many of us reluctant to do so. How can you read lots of book if you don't start pick one and read?

The second fact I want to introduce to disappoint you further, is the fact that I am a normal, average slow-reader. I does not hold any super power to finish one book in an hour. It took me 8 months to finish Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. But even if you are slow like me, you can still read many books, as long as you continue reading. Reading should not be a burden, it should be something fun to do. Like solving a puzzle, you can always pause for a while and continue at later time. As long as you continue, you will finally be turning the last page of the book.

Okay, now that you have already disappointed with my no-secret secret, I should offer you an apology and gave some tips to help you along the way. Its not really a tips, it is more about strange habit, which different people may accustomed to different reading habit of their own. While I don't usually share this publicly, I think its about time to embarrass myself for the benefit of a larger community. You may find some of this habit strange, its okay, do excuse me.

1. Give the book the same status as your handphone. Bring everywhere, even to a place which you know you can't actually read them. For example I always bring my book, when I went to kenduri, although I know that I will met people and compelled to chat with them. You will find that even at first you think you can never read them if you brought them, you will find that actually there is some small interval of time between the events that you actually can read 1 or 2 page.

2. Your book is as important as your pillow when you want to sleep. Read before you sleep. Make a habit to sleep with your book, and make a habit for your wife (or husband) to help remove a book on your face when you are asleep while reading it.

3. Never wait for anything without a book in your hand. I hate waiting, honestly. Be it at government offices, post office, bus stop, clinic or at restaurant waiting for a friend which always 'on the way' everytime you call them for their location. I even read in toilet when I have to wait for my processed food to come out of my body.

4. Every place should be equipped with book aside from fire extinguisher. I have books everywhere, in my home, office, even in my car. If I travel anywhere and suddenly I remember that I did not bring along the book which I currently read, there is always a spare in my car. You should also put one of your book in your wife's car, in case you switch your car with them regularly.

Of course there are others trick which can be utilized to read more. But for now this should be suffice. As long as you took the first step, pick a book and read. Then continue reading, you should be in good shape.

As Noam Chomsky once said "reading is a mental exercise". So reading should be like playing football for your mind as it is to your body. You may not remember everything you read, but you will find a lot of things, lots of them. So please. Read.